The Seven Jewels

I am Theia, the Orange Ray of Illumination. I am the Brilliant Light of the Supernal Sun.

The Three-Fold Heaven is where I reign and it is Spirit that I guard.

Come to me when you are in need of enlightenment and I will open your mind.

Learn of me the Diamonds of Joy and Generosity and these shall be returned unto you, three-fold.

Seek me when you have sadness and are not able to perceive the joy in life and I shall uplift you.

Lend your downtrodden heart to me and I will return it to you overflowing with gladness.

I am Theia.


I am Candre, the Violet Ray of Purity. I am the Bright Moon of the Supernal Moon.

The Three-Fold Heaven is where I reign and it is Spirit that I guard.

Come to me when you are in need of forgiveness and I will cleanse your heart.

Learn of me the Moonstones of Reflection and Reason and you shall be guided, always.

Those who are my priestesses and priests, do naught without me; act only through me.

I shall transmute the Graces Divine through you unto the world and make of you a Living Prayer.

I am Candre.


I am Vicka, the Red Ray of Valor. I am the Protection of Ekklesia.

The Four-Fold Earth is where I reign and it is Fire that I guard.

Come to me when you are in need of protection and I will shield you, always.

Learn of me the Rubies of Courage and Strength and I will make of you a Spiritual Warrior.

I will watch over your Clan, your Ekklesia, your household through the night and during the day.

I conquer the evil which threatens you and will usher you away from the abyss.

I am Vicka.


I am Sofia, the Yellow Ray of Wisdom. I am the Memory of the All.

The Four-Fold Earth is where I reign and it is Air that I guard.

Come to me when you are in need of a muse and I will channel my words through you.

Learn of me the Topaz Jewels of Intelligence and Intuition and I will make of you a sage.

Depend upon me and I shall entrust to you the Key which opens the door to all Mystery.

Trust in me and I will grant you the True Gnosis which shall lead you unto your Sacred Moment.

I am Sofia.


I am Thema, the Blue Ray of Justice. I am the Natural Law of the Cosmos.

The Four-Fold Earth is where I reign and it is Earth that I guard.

Come to me when you are in need of truth and fairness and I will defend you with all my might.

Learn of me the Jade Stones of Order and Harmony and your Path shall be made clear.

If you are in need of material sustenance, you shall never go without.

Lean on me in times of trial and I shall heed your cry.

I am Thema.


I am Grace, the Green Ray of Compassion. I am the Divine Nurse of the Children of Dea.

The Four-Fold Earth is where I reign and it is Water that I guard.

Come to me when you are in need of healing and I shall send you the Waters of Grace.

Learn from me the Pearls of Love and Mercy and the karma-moira of your soul shall dissolve.

If you are suffering, draw near to me and I shall grant you comfort and solace.

I am the Sea of Tenderheartedness, emulate me and extend my amity to all.

I am Grace.


I am Rhea, the Indigo Ray of Steadfastness. I am the Fore-bearing Stream of the Supernal Cosmos.

The Three-Fold Heaven is where I reign and it is Spirit that I guard.

Come to me when you are in need of fortitude and resolve and I shall grant you strength of will.

Learn of me the Lapis of Temperance and Self-restraint and you shall conquer the world.

Whenever you are filled with self-doubt, I shall inspire you with confidence and earnestness.

If fear diminishes determination, I shall inspire you with perseverance and certainty of purpose and never lead you astray.

I am Rhea.


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